The Wild Wild West
We are a nation of explorers and of dreamers. From Lewis and Clark to the 49er’s of
California, millions of Americans moved across the vast continent of North
America to find a better life out west, including many of my ancestors. They tilled the land, raised livestock, and
even tried to find their fortune in gold mining. There were no 8 hour work days or vacations;
our nation was built upon their blood, sweat, and tears.
So as that nation of dreamers we decided in the 1980’s to
think it was cool to dress up like cow town residents and take family pictures.... Oh and to let your 5 year old hold a hand gun pointed right towards the whole family (I can't help it that I was gangsta that early in life.)
So if the shoe fits, your mom has convinced you to wear a racoon hat in not one but two pictures.
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